Monday, October 24, 2005

Kemapanan itu akhirnya datang (tapi aku rindu kecemasan)

Kata orang, daya kreasi seniman akan mencapai puncaknya saat ia berkawan dengan kecemasan.

Waktu gue pertama kali masuk ke kantor gue sekarang, tiga bulan rasanya kayak selamanya. Peluh diperas dan jantung hampir copot demi lulus probation. Setiap hari didera rasa takut lulus atau nggak. Tapi entah kenapa, daya kreatifitas gue mendadak kencang. Ide berkelebat cepat dan kerja jadi efektif. Pokoknya gue harus lulus probation atau dipecat dengan terhormat.

Dan akhirnya, tiga bulan lewat dan gue lulus. Leganya minta ampun, Mengingat I really need this job for my feature references. Tapi setelah itu? Everything like a downhill for me. Mendadak gue jadi pemalas. Malas mikir ide kreatif (ide usang dibuat baru lagi), malas ngulik copy, dan beberapa kali salah nge-proove copy. Sumpah! Nggak tau kenapa gue jadi begini. Walhasil, kini gue malah sering chatting, ngotak-ngatik situs, dan download berkilo-kilo lagu.

Or maybe the old saying was right? That every artist has to be acquainted to fear? My friend at the office told me that its natural to feel this way. Its your mindset that have to change.

Apa ya gue butuh liburan? Atau gue emang sekedar malas aja?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wedding countdown

Sebulan lagi gue akan menikah. Merinding rasanya tiap ingat hal ini. Kenapa menikah sekarang, kata teman gue. Ini pertanyaan yang paling membingungkan. Apa kalau kata-kata,"I love her. I want to spend my life with her. I want to grow old together," itu nggak cukup? Basi sih, tapi sementara waktu cuma itu aja dulu.

Malah, salah seorang teman merumuskan pernikahan menjadi lebih filosofis yang makin bikin bingung. Memangnya, segala sesuatu nggak bisa digampangkan? Dulu, hari Senin bokap melamar nyokap, seminggu kemudian mereka menikah dengan sederhana. Dan sesederhana itu pula mereka merumuskan 25 tahun pernikahan mereka: kerja keras buat kedua anaknya yang bandel-bandel ini.

Mia adalah partner yang paling cocok buat gue. Secara kita pernah tinggal bareng setahun di Bandung selama dan menyicipi susah bareng (duit habis sampai kelahi dengan orangtuanya-standar lah), apapun badai yang nanti kita lalui, niscaya bisa diredakan.

Dan buat mereka yang bertanya tentang keberanian gue untuk menikah saat belum punya apa-apa, gue belum punya jawaban yang memuaskan (karena gue juga belum puas dengan jawaban gue sendiri). Tapi satu yang bisa gue katakan, minta do'a restunya buat gue sama Mia karena do'a dari seorang teman yang baik lebih berharga dari seribu malaikat. Thanks...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

List of song that I'll going to play at my wedding

1. You're Beautiful - James Blunt
2. Secret Heart - Feist
3. Wind of My Soul - Cat Stevens
4. Mary Jo - Belle and Sebastion
5. Kites Are Fun - Free Design
6. Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes - Beck
7. Run - Stephen Fretwell
8. I Will - The Beatles
9. Love Will Tear Us Apart - Nouvelle Vague
10. Eternity - Robbie Williams

(Courtesy of

Otak beku

Semua copywriter pasti pernah ngalamin kayak ini: merenung kesal di depan layar monitor komputer, grasak-grusuk nyari ide yang tak pernah ketemu, dan berakhir dengan surfing porn sites di internet.

Bahasa Inggrisnya sih keren: writer's block. Bahasa Indonesianya, ya mentok. Sumpah, nggak tau cara ngehadapinnya. Bolak-balik baca majalah Luersze Archive, masih mentok, sok ngulik ide pake Creative Advertising-nya Mario Pricken, nggak dapet juga. Padahal dua jam lagi mesti presentasi ke boss.

Akhirnya malah kepikiran ide yang acak kadut. Istilahnya, artek-isme (mengacu nama agency tempat Mia kerja. Sorry luv). Daripada presentasi dengan tangan kosong? Yeah, tapi sambil terus berdo'a siapa tahu ada ide nendang datang.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Pelangi Tak Tersentuh
Kamu datang ke kotaku untuk segera pergi
Berkeliling, Melihat, MembeliMenikmati Malam, menyusuri jalan Dago.
Jatuh cinta pada kota ini sebagai tempat singgah
Atau barangkali kamu belajar sesuatu dari kota ini.
Persahabatan, Eksotisme dan Selera kota.

Seperti kamu mendatangiku
Singgah dan berlalu
Kini kau belajar bagaimana mencintai.
Menyembuhkan luka dan Menyalakan api hati.

Langit menangis saat aku memintamu pergi
Tak tahan menatapmu, mengingat kau harus kembali
Seseorang segera terluka, melihat kita.
Matahari sore tetap bersinar,seperti memancar dari matamu yang tetap bersikeras tinggal

Pelangi itu ada, diatas kita
Namun Jangan katakan kau ada untukku
Seperti pelangi, indah, nyaman dan mengagumkan
Namun tidak akan pernah tersentuh.

Kau Tanya apa arti Dago,
Dago itu tunggu.
Apa yang kau sadari dengan tertawamu itu sayang?
Itukah yang ada dalam pikiranmu?
Aku harus menunggu?

Tidak, pergilah
kembalikan semua padanya
Ajarkan padanya kekasih,
Bagaimana indahnya bercinta

Jika jalan yang kita susuri itu
Berarti besar untukmu
Maka bagiku lebih besar dari apa yang pernah tergambar
Dan menunggu, belum pernah aku lakukan
Hingga saat kau memintanya

Bilangan Sudirman, 10 Maret 2005

(This poem was made by my lovely-soon-to-be-wife, Mia. Mostly of her writings are better than me. She's have talent. Thats why I marry her, not just by looks but by her brain too)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Daun Muda 2005

These ad was made by me and my art director (is a coincidence that we both has the same name) for Daun Muda award 2005 entry. Too bad we didnt win. Well, next year maybe...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Cinta Silver : The Review

Gue sekarang punya kebiasaan "jelek": browsing blog orang lain! Dan gue terkejut waktu melihat ini!

Cinta Silver : The Review

Just yesterday me & some friends went to see
the screening of Cinta Silver at Plaza Senayan.
We got free invitations from Passion Pictures, a production house.
Cinta Silver was produced by Rexinema and directed by Lance.

In the first 15 minutes, I got compeletely bored!
The dialogue was soooooooo slow.
It was like watching a bad Indonesian cinetron.
The script tried to be like Arisan! but failed.
Failed BIG time.

To make the story short,
Cinta Silver was about Levi, a 35 year-old succesful bachelor
who meets up with an old girlfriend, Cecil.
Levi's mother, Bunda, loves Cecil and wishes her to marry Levi.
Unfortunately, Jessa/Nessa is trying to get close to Levi.
And Bunda for unknown reasons, simply hates Jessa/Nessa.
Wisnu, Levi's best friend tries becomes the mediator for all the problems
that arise between Levi - Cecil and Levi - Bunda.

Now, going on to my review...

The beauty shots in the movie were great.
Especially in the outdoor scenes
and the photosessions with Wisnu, the photographer.

the indoor and close-up scenes were hideous!

Well, first of all... the make up was too thick!
Gosh, Rima Melati face looked like a thick old wall.
Secondly, I think they used a silver/grayish filter
which made the faces look gray.

So the story is about Silver Love.. but, gray faces?!?!
That's a bit too much, isn't it?

Luckily, Wisnu the photographer (played by Christian Sugiono - new actor) was quite handsome.
His face was a combination of Nicholas Saputra and Tora Sudira.
His acting? Like Nicholas in Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. *sigh*

Don't worry, Christian... if you work harder,
you can still have lots of chances to hone your acting skills.
If not, I'll send you my number
so I can cast you in one of my commercials huhuhuhuh

The film had many turn-offs, I listed a few here:

The scene when a fat man suddenly comes out of the pool,
gasping for air and surprising Levi & Cecil.
It made Cecil remember about a hippo
and made her uncontrollably laugh in an unnatural horrible way.
Wahahahahaha Wahahahahaha Wahahahahahaha

The scene when Levi & Cecil counted the stars in the sky.

All the scenes where Bunda (Rima Melati) keeps agonizing Levi
to marry quickly. Doesn't Bunda have any other thing to say to Levi? Grrr...

Just because she's a great model, doesn't make her a good actress.
Get it? Catherine Wilson no good actress!

The scene where Cecil ran away when she saw Levi & Nessa/Jessa walking together.
Cecil, Levi hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend YET. Grow up.

Either Silver is an abbreviation from Cecil My Lover
... or...
because the silver film on the celluloid paper makes Wisnu's
photos come more lively. And that is why Wisnu is more comfortable
using his old FM camera, rather than getting a new digital camera.
Silver film... more comfortable... choosing love... get it?

7. THE RING Scenes.
When Bunda searched for Levi's ring for Cecil and then sent the ring to Cecil,
who was already in Netherlands.
Mom, this time you've gone too far!
Cecil, a wedding proposal should be done by your future husband
NOT your future mother-in-law!

Actually Oscar Lawalatta's clothes were amazingly beautiful.
What turned me off was that in the last round,
the models had to walk INTO the narrow pool. I was at SHOCK!
They tried to make the shots beautiful by shooting underwater,
revealing the model's long legs,
but when the models got out from the pool dripping wet,
they swished their wet dresses to the audience.
If you think that was bad, read on.
After the fashion show ended, all the models were in the water
clapping and suddenly Oscar walked into the pool showing of his white beautiful thighs.
SHOCKED! I was completely SHOCKED!

Cinta Silver has become Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? wannabe
for those aged 30 and above.

10. THE PLANE Scene.
This was the BIGGEST TURN OFF. Imagine Levi taking the plane's speakerphone
and shouting out looking for Cecil.
Then, Levi and Cecil argued among the confused passengers
who kept looking at them back and forth.
FINALLY the security came to take Levi away,
just when Cecil tried to return the ring.
Alas, the ring fell down and Cecil had to pick them up.
Uh huh.. okay..

This scene was in the airport, after Levi was taken away
and is sitting down thinking about his long lost Cecil.
Sitting beside Levi, was a little girl who suddenly asked him
if he was alone. Alas, the little girl was looking out of frame!
Little girl, didn't your mom tell you that it's impolite
to NOT look at the person you're talking to?

Why was it so horrid? I had to see the Cecil Uncontrollable-Laughter-Being-Suprised-By-The-Fat-Guy-
Which-Reminded-Her-Of-A-Hippo & Counting the Star scene again!

13. THE END scene.
Suddenly we see Cecil behind Levi and giving him the ring, smiling.
Which I guess was a sign to pour down all those confetti on them.
Confetti in an airport? Creative lisence, my cute ass.

Okay, okay I guess I'm bit harsh with my review.
The film DOES have its good points.
First like I said before, the outdoor shots were beautiful.
Secondly, the scene where Bunda told Levi's sisters
why she was so persistent in seeing Levi wed.

Bunda's reasons was so touching and realistic.
I bet alot of people could immediately understand
why Levi is still a 35 year old bachelor
and why his mother is worried about him.

I guess that's all about it.
It was a good thing I got a free pass to see the film screening.
With free food and drinks too! (Thanks Passion Pictures.)
I'll certainly be furious if I had to buy the tickets to see the movie.

Cinta Silver. Recommended? NOT!

PS: The author is'nt dead yet, Barthes!